Thursday, January 05, 2006

The new year

I haven't updated in awhile, and am getting harassed about it
so x-mas was wonderful, soo many presents and family fun
playing games everynight was fun, a little overwhelming but fun
I'm the kind of person that needs alone time, I think everyone does
then we had x-mas again at Jr's house, more presents
this x-mas was huge!
new years me and Jr made dinner at home, then went to a bar for midnight
it was a little townie bar, but we had fun
I got to spend another new years with Jr, that's all I wanted
this week has been eventful, I am staying at Jr's for the week, I start school Monday the 9th
I had an interview at my future place of employment, it went well, they will most likely be able to offer me a position if all my references checkout.
Also the most disturbing news is my little mama had another seizure, I don't know what is wrong with her
she had her first seizure 2 years ago, and none that we know of since
I hope Cathy is not poisoning her, hehe j/k
but there are a list of possible reasons it could happen, and it could just be idiopathic, who knows
the last time she had a seizure she spent the night on the critical care unit at Angel, and it cost me a fortune
and the vet said there was nothing wrong with her, and that seizures are common in little dogs
I hope she doesn't have anymore, oh my poor mama.
I'm worried about her


Blogger rb said...

good thing you have those tattoos to remind you of her!

9:52 AM  
Blogger sincity29 said...

don't be so morbid auntie B, Lucy will never die

11:31 AM  
Blogger rb said...

i have a feeling #3 is not long for this life. linny is of course excited cause by default she will jump up in the rankings....

11:37 AM  

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