Thursday, May 25, 2006


Graduation was last night
it was fun, a little emotional, cath cried almost the whole time
I won 2 awards
1) Sr. Antonia award which I was voted for by my peers for being a compassionate nurse
2) having the 4th highest GPA overall 3.92, the 3 other students were weekend students, so I had the highest GPA of the weekday students
I was shocked
and I got $500 to pay for my further schooling, that is going to help greatly.

Overall it was a great night.
Now off to more packing because starting tomorrow I will be an Olean resident.

I was the only student to get two awards
and I have them framed on my wall to prove it.


Blogger elle m kay said...

wow - an update twice in one week! Congrats on the two awards! So smart that SB!

8:49 AM  

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