Thursday, May 03, 2007

I am feeling very lazy today I need to go out and walk the hounds but I feel like taking a nap instead, whats wrong with me
I just went tanning, oh I'm getting so brown, and then had some leek dip, don't come near me, Jr makes potent leek dip, becky would love it.
The bach. party was so much fun, I got to see lots of people I haven't seen in years. Today I also did some paper work stuff for the wedding, getting my program ideas, and I have to go to Wally World and pick some more stuff up, and I need to get stuff for the honeymoon. Then I have to work all weekend, why do I dread working? I know because it sucks. This weekend is supposed to be super nice, and I will be stuck inside all day with only, one ounce of sun when I walk to my car at 8pm exhausted.


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